Sunday, March 15, 2009

Good Day from London

Hi Everyone,

Sorry, but we are unable to post pictures at the moment. For now, our tales of travel will have to suffice.

First off, I'd like to give a plug to Continental Airlines. In this day and age of airlines skimping and charging for every little thing, Continental appears to be one of the last hold outs. Not only did we not have to pay for our checked luggage, but we were served dinner (lasagna with green salad, dinner roll, and a package of Pepperage Farm Milano cookies), and a small breakfast as well.

OK - on to the good stuff... we arrived at Heathrow airport on time, to a sunny clear day. We took two trains to the neighborhood we are staying in (which is really cute and we like it - close to everything) and dropped off our luggage. It was only 9 a.m. and check in wasn't until 2 p.m. We were exhausted from not being able to sleep on the plane, but we still wanted to get out and explore...

We started off by walking to Buckingham Palace. I have to admit that I felt a bit cheated because the iconic guards in the red uniforms and big black hats were not there. It was still neat to see the palace and walk around the park. This is one very cool thing I've noticed about London - there are lots of beautiful parks everywhere. From the palace, we walked to Big Ben, West Minster Abby and all of the sights in between. I am awed by the beautiful architecture everywhere!

Around 11:30 we were hungry, so we stopped at this quaint looking pub called The Albert. Apparently, royalty eat there (or so the pub claims.) The food was...interesting...I don't know how else to explain. We both got burgers - Eric had some weird burger with a fried egg on top. Both of our burgers had salad on the bun with the burger. Very different, but the "chips" (fries) were good.

From lunch we wandered back to Buckingham Palace to see what type of guards had come out since the changing of the guard had taken place at 11:30. This time, they had the black puffy hats, but grey coats instead of red. I was just happy to see the puffy hats. We then wandered to Hyde park, which is this beautiful, huge park, which reminded us of Central Park in New York. The weather was so gorgeous that we decided to sit down on the grass...where we fell asleep for about an hour! Thankfully there were tons of people around and lots of little children too.

Refreshed from our nap, we headed back to the hotel. We stopped at a little corner market and picked up the same Lipton Peach Ice Tea that we enjoyed so much in Paris. We also bought chocolate bars. Rick Steve's said that the Kit Kat bars were different here - and he was right. Much richer. I could only eat one piece. Eric got some gooey caramel Cadbury bar. Very tasty.

Now we are off for our greatest adventure - looking at our eyelids for a couple of hours. Hope you are all well. More adventures to come...


Anonymous said...

Wow, I bet you would find yourself stripped completely naked if you fell asleep in Central Park for an hour!! :-)

Did you guys enjoy the hamburgers?

How are the fish & chips, are they like what passes here?

Sounds like a great trip so far, hope you can post some pics.


Antilinus Moo! said...

Sounds like an amazing start! I am also impressed you could fall asleep in the park with no I'll effects. Remember to keep track of your miles not km ;)