Sunday, June 26, 2016

It's a Rough Life (Eric)

Not much to add today because we simply lounged around on the beach taking breaks to go into the water, and we also had an afternoon massage for the second day in a row. We have had dinner at the beach restaurant which has been amazing. It's a rough life, but someone has to live it.


Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary!!

Great that the staff could give you an "additional" surprise so that your day didn't totally suck (like the rest of us stiffs!!) :-)

Are you tired of vacationing yet or do you think you will just keep on going in the Life Styles of the Rich and Famous for a few more weeks? ;-)

What has the actual temp/humidity been - 90
s and 95+? ***whew***


Aunt Betty & Uncle Randy said...

Your mom gave us your blog and we are so pleased to wish a lovely, exciting ' adventurous, happy couple Happy Anniversary! What a lovely place to celebrate! We love you guys! Aunt Betty, Uncle Randy, and Melanie