Monday, June 11, 2007

Eric's Thoughts from Switzerland (der not sure)

Hey everyone! We have arrived in Lausanne on Lake Geneva. It is very pretty here although not as beautiful as the mountains. We walked around by the lake and had a nice dinner together. The lake is amazing. It is massive. We traveled by a lake we thought was large when we first entered Switzerland. When we went to Interlaken, there are two lakes (which you can see in at least a few of our pictures I believe) which made the first lake look small. Well, Lake Geneva makes those two lakes look like ponds.

I am looking forward to exploring the area around this lake more over the next few days. We are planning a bike ride and a boat ride as well as some good old fashioned walking (for a change). : )

I hope all of you are doing well. I am sure that I will write more later, and we will try to find a way to include pictures. The computer we are using doesn't have the capability.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It sounds FABULOUS with lots to see and do! Have fun!